Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Teacher v/s An Excellent Teacher

Teaching is probably the most unique and one of the best profession to opt for. Even a single word of a Teacher can transform the whole life of their students. We usually talks about teaching experience, surprisingly no one talks about the studying experience. I being a final year Engineering student has a studying experience of about 18 years..!!
We have been taught by various teachers at various levels, but very few leaves a long lasting impression on us. Now that is where the teaching counts.
In India the people are not very expressive, we often hesitate. The whole world is doing a research that if a Teacher uses his Body Language they can do an excellent job in teaching.
Becoming a Teacher is Understanding the content but How to Teach is a Skill. Now from student's point of view let's talk about How to Teach (Just a thought).
The first and the foremost thing about Teaching is Enthusiasm plus The Smiling faces of our Teachers while teaching, rather then the usual Humpty-Dumpty faces..!!
People usually don't smile in our country, people don't express with Body language. Research has shown that Body language covers 85% of the Teaching and the formal language covers just 15%.
Every time a Teacher enters in a class, the first thing student notice is their expression, their body language, their eye contact and most importantly their smile. As we all know that First Impression is the Last Impression, and also we would never get a chance to create the First Impression.
"They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel." --Carol Buchner

Now creating a charming atmosphere in the class is another important aspect of an effective teaching because if the Teacher is down then naturally his students are also down.
Teaching is not a duty but a passion. Teachers are Man-Maker, one word of a teacher can make the life of a student. One word of appreciation can change the entire life of the student.
Before actually climbing Mount Everest Edmund Hillary tried three times and he failed, and third time when he failed he came back to his home in New Zealand and there was a big party organized for Edmund Hillary. Many people were present there and his girl friend came and she gifted him a beautiful picture of Mount Everest and in that picture she puts a photograph of Edmund on the top of the Everest. Now this is a way to appreciate one's efforts.
As a result he was deeply motivated and was full of enthusiasm that he climbed the Everest in his fourth attempt. Hence the same concept can be applied with the students too. A progressive Teacher is one who not only appreciate and motivates their children but also grows with them. An effective Teacher is one who creates an activity (CREATIVITY) rather then repeating an activity.
Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." -- Nikos Kazantzakis

In today's world the way to deal with students has completely changed, today's students are more intellectual, they are more argumentative, they frequently question, hence an effective teacher is one who handles all these challenges in a smooth and a wise manner rather then in the old fashioned dictatorial way.
Respect can't be ask to do with the force, either it comes or it doesn't comes. A good teacher is one who respects his/her students, who listens to his/her students, who allows his/her students to speak and hence the students respects the Teacher automatically. The simple thing is that Respect comes naturally and that too straight from the heart.

"Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. We are all learners, doers, and teachers."
If a Teacher is there for subjects or to complete syllabus then believe me that  the Teacher is not required, even a Computer or Cassettes and interactive CD's can do that. Time has changed now A good teacher must be a friend of their students rather then simply being a teacher and what a good teacher can do Computers, Cassettes and CD's can't do so for that Teachers need to excel because there is no substitute of Human Manual, Human Brain. Hence i must say that Teaching is the noblest profession. There is no substitution of Teaching profession.
"A hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in the bank...but the world may be a better place because I made a difference in the life of a child." -- Forest Witcraft

I must conclude by saying--
Keep Learning....Keep Growing..!!

Love to all <3



  1. Kudos..Hats Off..!!
    yet again a superb post..
    10 out of 10 for that :)
    Keep writing..God Bless..
    Nidhi :)

  2. You know have a WOW FACTOR..!! :)
    You know exactly how to hit the nerves..!! :)
    An awesome post...truly impressive..!! :)
    Keep writing.. :)

  3. A Post vs An Excellent Post..and this is an excellent post...
    yet again...u deliver..Truly Impressive..!!
    Keep writing and keep encouraging..!!
    Archana :)

  4. Two Things:
    First: If any Teacher of urs see this they will appreciate you, bcoz they will think that you wrote all this bcoz they are so impressive as a Teacher.

    Second:The day will come when every single citizen of this Nation will recognize you for your Writing.........(while some will recognize you as Moulvi)

    Good piece of Writing
    by our Indian Paulo Coelho

  5. @Nidhi- lol..Thanks for your fair judgment! ;)

    @Akriti- Thank you so much...glad that you are impressed! ;)

    @Archana- Thanks a lot :)

  6. @Vivek Sir- Thank You so much sir..I am more then honored!
    As i said your comments and blessings act as a motivating tonic for me and yes i will always be remembered as a Maulvi 1st..!! :)
    Keep Reading because that's what encourages me to write..
    Thanks again...Love ♥
    God Bless :)

  7. I just Loved it <3
    Thank you so much for this wonderful post :)
    keep writing..
    Harshita :)
