Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's all about knowledge, rather then college..!!

As the race for college admission begins after 12th, a mad rush for the reputed colleges begins. Soon after the 12th result is declared, panic button for college admissions get pressed in the family of the students.
Which course or college remains the hot topic in the discussions..??
This remains the biggest question for the student as well as for the parents too.There are plentiful courses available after 12th, which the student has to choose. It is not necessary that what course you have chosen you are able to get admission in the college of your choice. Students must give preference to the course he\she has chosen over the college. College name or reputation is not as important as the course.

The point to be noted is, Generally degrees are issued by the University and it does not carry the name of the college at all, so go for course rather than for a college. In the long run it is only the course or the knowledge which one has developed will makes our career not the college. So it is very important to choose a course that one has aptitude for.

There is a saying too -"All men by nature desire knowledge".
(-by Aristotle)
Hence the knowledge gained over the duration of time always has an upper hand over the college regardless how reputed the college is. Likewise No country is good or bad but its people makes it so, that is what we can apply in colleges too...!!

One must not choose a College because of its popularity. Need not to follow the trend. The decision should not be under the influence of friends and peers. Many students feel that by opting for a particular ‘popular’ college they will fair better than others. They will get an edge over their friends because of the college brand. Several students also fear that if they choose an unpopular college they will be ridiculed by their peers, but this is certainly not true.

What we all need to know is that the students get trapped in the pointless race between college and course not realizing that at the end of the day, each student will get a same degree (apart from their grades) from the respective Universities.
Every college is the same and faculty in one college is as good as those in the other. Colleges become irrelevant but if you study what you like, it will benefit you.

Moreover, students also fear that an unpopular college doesn’t attract big companies for placements. Even if big companies come to these colleges they don’t offer good salaries. This might hold true for some colleges but is not a general trend.
Big companies search for talent (knowledge) for which they go to all colleges

Knowledge is all what matters at last.

However,  before making any decision a student should be clear about his/her goals and ambitions. The million dollar point is that -
"It is the knowledge which will be with us for lifetime, a college would remain with us for just three to four years".

I will conclude with a thought-
"Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen, even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind".
(Leonardo Da Vinci)

Love to all <3



  1. Straight from the heart...truly impressed by ur post..!!
    Ur thoughts touched me..!!
    U've shown us the reality...the mentality of the students..
    Keep posting and keep inspiring us through ur posts.. :) :)

  2. nice post with great thoughts.
    now you need to publicize your blog among masses otherwise your beautiful posts will go unnoticed and I'm sure if u do so you will get many followers and regular readers. ;).)

  3. quite a thoughtful post namy...this should reach out to the people on a higher level...really will put some sense into students n their peers...keep up d gud work dear n do try to publicize ur blog more...great!!!!

  4. Nicely written...very impressive...hitting the nerves....great wrk i muss say :)
    on an all..i jus lovd ur write more :)
    God bless..
    Nidhi :)

  5. hey naman.....never knew ur dis talent b4 cming across dis blog...proud 2 be ur frnd....
    lyk d post..the thoughts...and ur initiative...:)

  6. rightly said naman...this mad race really cuts the students from yearning knowledge and make them fall for securing their seats in the reputed colleges......
    but really dont know hw dis scenario is going to change....
    keep writing...:)
