Friday, June 24, 2011

My First Post..

Hello all..

Welcome to my first post.

This being my first post excites me a bit. Not that I wasn't writing but never thought about writing a blog until recently. I would  have to say that I was a taker more than a giver. The knowledge that I have gathered is very much thanks to many people's hard work and their generosity. I can confidently say that without the help and generosity of all the people especially my friends, I 'd be no one. That is the simple truth. Therefore firstly a BIG THANK YOU all of them. Also on the other hand I have never been comfortable with my writing (as you can see). But I think time has come to move and give it a go.

I intend this blog to mostly what's going across the Globe, with occasional other stuffs thrown in. Thanks to all my friends who've been pestering me to blog for a year or so.
The purpose of the blog. Mostly I am going to share my personal experience about various occasional stuffs and many interesting topics related to the life as a whole. Hope I might be able to provide some information where someone can use it for their benefit. If that happens I will be most honored.
As you can imagine, the journey is going to be long one, but we have to start from somewhere.

I hope that my blog will come to sit comfortably among you all and become a place where I can share my thoughts, inspiration, insights and tips which help to inspire others.
I am concluding the post with a saying from The Holy Bhagwat Gita (Chapter Two verse 47)-

"Sri Krishna said: You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty."

Love to all..



  1. Nice work champ...sounds promising...!!
    Gud luck...Do well ;)

  2. never knew u know much about GITA......:P
    All the best...:)

  3. lol ;)
    a bit u can say...My Grandfather taught me..
    thnxs nyway :)

  4. Wish u GOOD LUCK for your blogging..
    Give your best..!!
