Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Raining Colleges, Ruining Education..!!

In a modern society, education plays an important role, clearly Education act as a backbone of the present era. Education, at the individual level helps in the overall development. At the level of society, it ensures that the traditional wisdom passes from one generation to the others and the new and modern knowledge is imbibed by the present generation.
Each and every parent always dreamed of providing their child the best education so that their child can secure his/her future and can make an excellent career. Most of the students opt for science field as it has vast scope as a career prospective. Some go for medical some go for non medical as per their interests. Today, every non medical topper wants to become an engineer in his/her willing subject, so they go for an engineering degree course

"Engineering is the discipline, art and profession of acquiring and applying technical, scientific, and mathematical knowledge to design and implement materials, structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes that safely realize a desired objective or invention."
But not anymore,
since the last decade or two the concept of the education has changed a lot.
We have enough engineering colleges, producing about two million engineers per annum..!!
This year, a record 11 lakh students sat for the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE), competing for over 27,000 seats in engineering colleges across the country. Last year(2010) the number was over 10 lakh, while the year before(2009) it was over 9 lakh.
The great rush for engineering continues but for how long and at what cost..??

The best batches of the IITs and Good Government colleges make a beeline for universities abroad. The next best go for the management courses and prefer to sell soaps and oil rather than doing engineering. The next lot goes to the IT sector, which is very lucrative.There are still large number of engineers left who, unfortunately, are not of the required quality. That means the level of education, particularly in private colleges, is not up to the required standard.
There are a few good private colleges
.The remaining are all just "Business Colleges", which take capitation money and high fees, take students through three to four years and give them a degree. Unfortunately, many of them are deemed universities. This is most unfortunate, and a shame to the nation. We have been so liberal in giving them university status without controlling quality.

The most heard word in such colleges especially during the time of admissions, which many of us might have came across are-"Donations", the higher you pay,the better your chances are (a sort of bribe to get  yourself admitted in their colleges), "Management Quota" (yet again a form of bribe), "Sources" (no matter how much you score, but you should be a well know personality or should know a minister or any other buerucrats) etc. Such evil thing are certainly ruining education along with the Nation as a whole...!!

Private colleges are now the best form of business, but  Education cannot be taken as a business. They want to start the engineering courses not to help the students or to build budding engineers or to help the nation, but to find a business opportunity and charge high fees. The kind of fees charged for engineering education is very high today.  Today, for a normal engineering college, the yearly fee is about Rs 2.5 lakh, plus Rs 1,500 monthly for hostel and food. The government should make engineering education easily accessible to poor people too.
The batch which passes out from such private colleges are clearly not as good as the batch which completes engineering from IITs and various other government colleges. This creates a big mis-match.
However, employment may not at all be commensurate with qualification — several engineers can be found doing data entry jobs or working in call centers. This is because there is a wide mismatch between jobs requiring engineering skills and the numbers being churned out.
Budding Engineers..!!

The point is that We The Engineers should take pride in our profession. A passion for the profession is required. We should not look only at remunerations, positions and postings. Remuneration is not the reward for an engineer. The reward is the satisfaction of doing a job well.

So, what should be done..??
There should be a well defined administration and management structure of technical institutions, boosting faculty strengths, rationalizing admission policy and increased interaction with industry. Without these, and a strict watch on quality of education, India could well end up with too many engineers out in the cold.
As It's better to be late then never..!!
Hence there is an immediate requirement of such an administration of Technical Institutions which focuses more on quality education and helps in building sound engineers, which will ultimately help the nation..!!

I would love to conclude my post with a saying from the person i admire the most-
"Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education".

(Mahatma Gandhi)


Love to all..



  1. Superb post Naman....Hitting the nerves...and you know exactly when to do it...!!
    Great work...seems you have worked really hard...
    On an all...A perfect Post... :) :)
    Keep posting..
    Nidhi :)

  2. yet again you delivered....very nice post..
    and yes the pics are good too...especially all those Budding Engineers...!! ;)
    keep posting..
    Ritisha :)

  3. Excellent post....very impressive..!!
    Today's education...a matter of deep concern...glad to have your views about it...
    I agree..
    Keep posting.. :)

  4. Thanku all 4 soo much Love <3<3
    Glad you like my work :):)

  5. Kudos...!!
    Yet again a superbb post...veryy Impressive...keep postin..!!
    Love <3
    Roy :)

  6. rightly said...
    btw you should think of writing as your another career option, seriously!! ;)

  7. lol ;)
    Thanks Swapnil for so much love :)
    and also for motivating me throughout to write..i really appreciate :)
    Keep loving..will try my best..!! :)

  8. Indian version of Paulo Coelho......... Mujhe to pehle se hi pta tha ki Ladka Vilakshan Pratibha ka Dhani hai......Desh k liye jarur kuch Krantikari krega.......Lovely post brother....

  9. Really an impressive & admirable post....Naman
    keep going on...!!!
    Your previous post "When Attitude meets Talent" was also excellent.

    Harish @ Green Lab :)

  10. @Vivek Sir-Thank you so much sir for all those sweet words :)
    Honestly speaking you have inspired me a lot..!!
    Thanks again...Happy that you loved the post :)
    Love <3
    God Bless :)

  11. @Harish-Thanks Brother.. :)
    watch out for more posts to come..
    Love..God Bless :)
