Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just "Like It"..!!

No doubt the biggest migration on planet Earth is from "Orkut" to "Facebook"
Since many of us are addicted to Facebook, it was found that on an average a single user spent about 2 to 4 hrs a day on Facebook. What excites users are it's special features, which provides a fast mode of communication, exchange of thoughts, ideas etc..etc. unlike Orkut.
Facebook includes a "Like" button too which we all have used the most, it took just a fraction of time to hit it. If you like, you hit it....simple..!!

Many of us turned into "revolutionaries" these days. All of a sudden we all became as patriotic as ever, It is as simple as anything as it requires no violence, no protest marches, no dharnas, not even fasting. A mere click of the ‘Like’ button on the “India Against Corruption” and various other revolutionary  Facebook pages, a change of our profile picture into that of Anna Hazare’s or Baba Ram Dev's, an updation of our “Status” message into “I support Anna Hazare”, "I stand against corruption" made each of us feel a part of the great movement.
For many, just giving a missed call on 022-61550789 was enough to express their solidarity towards the movement. Anna Hazare  and Baba Ram Dev fought, not just by fasting but also by ‘Facebooking’.

It was the Internet & other communication tools that increased the voice of their anti-corruption movement
. So powerful was this tool that within two days the members of the ‘India against corruption’ page increased from 5 lakhs to 12 lakhs.Some 7 lakh people(still counting) showed their support by giving a missed call on a number texted to them The revolution was “virtually there” for everyone to join in.
It did not require physical presence; as long as you thought alike you could be a part of this ever increasing group, whenever you felt like, and could voice your opinions too on this “virtual” meeting place..!!

I will conclude with a thought-
"When law and order fail they become the dangerously structured dams that block that flow of social progress".
(Martin Luther King Jr, American civil rights leader)

love to all..



  1. Super like... ;)
    keep postinggggg....wann 2 follow u...temme how 2 do it..??
    unable see the follow link..though i have subscribe ur blog..!!
    nice wrk..
    Ritisha :)

  2. hats off....:)

  3. @Ritisha-thnxs a lott :)

    @Divya nd Pallavi-Thnxs a lott 4 soo much Love <3
    I really appreciate.. :)

  4. Thnxs Akriti :)
    Watch out for more to come.. :) :)
