Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Teacher v/s An Excellent Teacher

Teaching is probably the most unique and one of the best profession to opt for. Even a single word of a Teacher can transform the whole life of their students. We usually talks about teaching experience, surprisingly no one talks about the studying experience. I being a final year Engineering student has a studying experience of about 18 years..!!
We have been taught by various teachers at various levels, but very few leaves a long lasting impression on us. Now that is where the teaching counts.
In India the people are not very expressive, we often hesitate. The whole world is doing a research that if a Teacher uses his Body Language they can do an excellent job in teaching.
Becoming a Teacher is Understanding the content but How to Teach is a Skill. Now from student's point of view let's talk about How to Teach (Just a thought).
The first and the foremost thing about Teaching is Enthusiasm plus The Smiling faces of our Teachers while teaching, rather then the usual Humpty-Dumpty faces..!!
People usually don't smile in our country, people don't express with Body language. Research has shown that Body language covers 85% of the Teaching and the formal language covers just 15%.
Every time a Teacher enters in a class, the first thing student notice is their expression, their body language, their eye contact and most importantly their smile. As we all know that First Impression is the Last Impression, and also we would never get a chance to create the First Impression.
"They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel." --Carol Buchner

Now creating a charming atmosphere in the class is another important aspect of an effective teaching because if the Teacher is down then naturally his students are also down.
Teaching is not a duty but a passion. Teachers are Man-Maker, one word of a teacher can make the life of a student. One word of appreciation can change the entire life of the student.
Before actually climbing Mount Everest Edmund Hillary tried three times and he failed, and third time when he failed he came back to his home in New Zealand and there was a big party organized for Edmund Hillary. Many people were present there and his girl friend came and she gifted him a beautiful picture of Mount Everest and in that picture she puts a photograph of Edmund on the top of the Everest. Now this is a way to appreciate one's efforts.
As a result he was deeply motivated and was full of enthusiasm that he climbed the Everest in his fourth attempt. Hence the same concept can be applied with the students too. A progressive Teacher is one who not only appreciate and motivates their children but also grows with them. An effective Teacher is one who creates an activity (CREATIVITY) rather then repeating an activity.
Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." -- Nikos Kazantzakis

In today's world the way to deal with students has completely changed, today's students are more intellectual, they are more argumentative, they frequently question, hence an effective teacher is one who handles all these challenges in a smooth and a wise manner rather then in the old fashioned dictatorial way.
Respect can't be ask to do with the force, either it comes or it doesn't comes. A good teacher is one who respects his/her students, who listens to his/her students, who allows his/her students to speak and hence the students respects the Teacher automatically. The simple thing is that Respect comes naturally and that too straight from the heart.

"Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. We are all learners, doers, and teachers."
If a Teacher is there for subjects or to complete syllabus then believe me that  the Teacher is not required, even a Computer or Cassettes and interactive CD's can do that. Time has changed now A good teacher must be a friend of their students rather then simply being a teacher and what a good teacher can do Computers, Cassettes and CD's can't do so for that Teachers need to excel because there is no substitute of Human Manual, Human Brain. Hence i must say that Teaching is the noblest profession. There is no substitution of Teaching profession.
"A hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in the bank...but the world may be a better place because I made a difference in the life of a child." -- Forest Witcraft

I must conclude by saying--
Keep Learning....Keep Growing..!!

Love to all <3


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Success v/s Failure

Success is the outcome of our attitude and our attitude is clearly a difference maker. Hence Success is a matter of choice and not chance.
On the other hand Failure is simply a result of making a few mistakes repeatedly. It is the condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends.
Failure is not bad. Actually, it’s probably the only way to become successful. The obstacles, setbacks, and stumbling blocks are an anticipated aspect of any journey. 

Success and Failure are two very important aspects of life.
To me, Success is a way of life. It's in your mind, body and soul.  Success and happiness go hand in hand. Success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get.
Where as Failure is really just feedback telling us to adjust the plan or to try a new approach. Failure in itself isn’t so bad, it’s the belief that gets triggered along with the associated uncomfortable emotions that we wish to avoid.
Knowledge rests not upon truth alone, but upon error also.”
Carl Jung (1875-1961 Swiss Psychiatrist)

"A little known formula for success is that success happens because of failure."
We need to know that Every success story is also a story of great failure. Failure is the highway to success. Tom Watson Sr. said, "If you want to succeed, double your failure rate."

Moving on to History we find that all the stories of success are also the stories of great failures. But people don't see the failures. They only see one side of the picture and they say that person got lucky: "He must have been at the right place at the right time."

This was a man who failed in business at the age of 21, was defeated in a legislative race at age 22, failed again in business at age 24, overcame the death of his sweetheart at age 26, had a nervous breakdown at age 27, lost a congressional race at age 34, lost a senatorial race at age 45, failed in an effort to become vice-president at age 47, lost a senatorial race at age 49, and was elected president of the United States at age 52.
This man was Abraham Lincoln. Would you call him a failure? He could have quit. But to Lincoln, defeat was a detour and not a dead end.

As a young cartoonist, Walt Disney faced many rejections from newspaper editors, who said he had no talent. One day a minister at a church hired him to draw some cartoons. Disney was working out of a small mouse infested shed near the church. After seeing a small mouse, he was inspired. That was the start of Mickey Mouse.

One day a partially deaf four year old kid came home with a note in his pocket from his teacher, "Your Tommy is too stupid to learn, get him out of the school." His mother read the note and answered, "My Tommy is not stupid to learn, I will teach him myself." And that Tommy grew up to be the great Thomas Edison.
Thomas Edison had only three months of formal schooling and he was partially deaf.

Henry Ford went bankrupt 3 times before he created a car that worked.

So the point is that Successful people don't do great things, they only do small things in a great way.
We don't need to improve 1,000% in any one area. All we need is to improve 1% in 1,000 different areas, which is a lot easier. That is the winning edge

Success is not something that you run into by accident. It takes a lot of preparation and character. Everyone likes to win but very few are willing to put in the effort and time to prepare to win.
It takes sacrifice and self-discipline. There is no substitute for hard work.
Henry Ford said, "The harder you work, the luckier you get." The world is full of willing workers, some willing to work and the others willing to let them.
Hard work is both a beginning and an end in itself. The harder a person works, the better he feels; and the better he feels, the harder he works.

In order to live a happy and more fulfilling life, you need success to surround you in every sphere of your life.
To be successful, we need to design an alternative paradigm for failure. In other words, redefine failure in a manner allowing ourselves to see whatever happens not as failure, but as “information.” From there, it becomes possible to gather and access this new information and include it in a revised plan.
Love that you are overcoming fear and attempting something new, no matter what the outcome. Of course there will be failures along the way. An entire new set of skills is being learned. When an occasional failure is experienced, get up, dust yourself off, access the new information, believe in yourself, and begin again.
Work on this formula for a few days and forget about success because success will automatically follow you.
Smile and Be Happy always.Good luck!

I will conclude with a thought-
I have learned that Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.
(Booker T. Washington)

Love to all <3


Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's all about knowledge, rather then college..!!

As the race for college admission begins after 12th, a mad rush for the reputed colleges begins. Soon after the 12th result is declared, panic button for college admissions get pressed in the family of the students.
Which course or college remains the hot topic in the discussions..??
This remains the biggest question for the student as well as for the parents too.There are plentiful courses available after 12th, which the student has to choose. It is not necessary that what course you have chosen you are able to get admission in the college of your choice. Students must give preference to the course he\she has chosen over the college. College name or reputation is not as important as the course.

The point to be noted is, Generally degrees are issued by the University and it does not carry the name of the college at all, so go for course rather than for a college. In the long run it is only the course or the knowledge which one has developed will makes our career not the college. So it is very important to choose a course that one has aptitude for.

There is a saying too -"All men by nature desire knowledge".
(-by Aristotle)
Hence the knowledge gained over the duration of time always has an upper hand over the college regardless how reputed the college is. Likewise No country is good or bad but its people makes it so, that is what we can apply in colleges too...!!

One must not choose a College because of its popularity. Need not to follow the trend. The decision should not be under the influence of friends and peers. Many students feel that by opting for a particular ‘popular’ college they will fair better than others. They will get an edge over their friends because of the college brand. Several students also fear that if they choose an unpopular college they will be ridiculed by their peers, but this is certainly not true.

What we all need to know is that the students get trapped in the pointless race between college and course not realizing that at the end of the day, each student will get a same degree (apart from their grades) from the respective Universities.
Every college is the same and faculty in one college is as good as those in the other. Colleges become irrelevant but if you study what you like, it will benefit you.

Moreover, students also fear that an unpopular college doesn’t attract big companies for placements. Even if big companies come to these colleges they don’t offer good salaries. This might hold true for some colleges but is not a general trend.
Big companies search for talent (knowledge) for which they go to all colleges

Knowledge is all what matters at last.

However,  before making any decision a student should be clear about his/her goals and ambitions. The million dollar point is that -
"It is the knowledge which will be with us for lifetime, a college would remain with us for just three to four years".

I will conclude with a thought-
"Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen, even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind".
(Leonardo Da Vinci)

Love to all <3


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Raining Colleges, Ruining Education..!!

In a modern society, education plays an important role, clearly Education act as a backbone of the present era. Education, at the individual level helps in the overall development. At the level of society, it ensures that the traditional wisdom passes from one generation to the others and the new and modern knowledge is imbibed by the present generation.
Each and every parent always dreamed of providing their child the best education so that their child can secure his/her future and can make an excellent career. Most of the students opt for science field as it has vast scope as a career prospective. Some go for medical some go for non medical as per their interests. Today, every non medical topper wants to become an engineer in his/her willing subject, so they go for an engineering degree course

"Engineering is the discipline, art and profession of acquiring and applying technical, scientific, and mathematical knowledge to design and implement materials, structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes that safely realize a desired objective or invention."
But not anymore,
since the last decade or two the concept of the education has changed a lot.
We have enough engineering colleges, producing about two million engineers per annum..!!
This year, a record 11 lakh students sat for the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE), competing for over 27,000 seats in engineering colleges across the country. Last year(2010) the number was over 10 lakh, while the year before(2009) it was over 9 lakh.
The great rush for engineering continues but for how long and at what cost..??

The best batches of the IITs and Good Government colleges make a beeline for universities abroad. The next best go for the management courses and prefer to sell soaps and oil rather than doing engineering. The next lot goes to the IT sector, which is very lucrative.There are still large number of engineers left who, unfortunately, are not of the required quality. That means the level of education, particularly in private colleges, is not up to the required standard.
There are a few good private colleges
.The remaining are all just "Business Colleges", which take capitation money and high fees, take students through three to four years and give them a degree. Unfortunately, many of them are deemed universities. This is most unfortunate, and a shame to the nation. We have been so liberal in giving them university status without controlling quality.

The most heard word in such colleges especially during the time of admissions, which many of us might have came across are-"Donations", the higher you pay,the better your chances are (a sort of bribe to get  yourself admitted in their colleges), "Management Quota" (yet again a form of bribe), "Sources" (no matter how much you score, but you should be a well know personality or should know a minister or any other buerucrats) etc. Such evil thing are certainly ruining education along with the Nation as a whole...!!

Private colleges are now the best form of business, but  Education cannot be taken as a business. They want to start the engineering courses not to help the students or to build budding engineers or to help the nation, but to find a business opportunity and charge high fees. The kind of fees charged for engineering education is very high today.  Today, for a normal engineering college, the yearly fee is about Rs 2.5 lakh, plus Rs 1,500 monthly for hostel and food. The government should make engineering education easily accessible to poor people too.
The batch which passes out from such private colleges are clearly not as good as the batch which completes engineering from IITs and various other government colleges. This creates a big mis-match.
However, employment may not at all be commensurate with qualification — several engineers can be found doing data entry jobs or working in call centers. This is because there is a wide mismatch between jobs requiring engineering skills and the numbers being churned out.
Budding Engineers..!!

The point is that We The Engineers should take pride in our profession. A passion for the profession is required. We should not look only at remunerations, positions and postings. Remuneration is not the reward for an engineer. The reward is the satisfaction of doing a job well.

So, what should be done..??
There should be a well defined administration and management structure of technical institutions, boosting faculty strengths, rationalizing admission policy and increased interaction with industry. Without these, and a strict watch on quality of education, India could well end up with too many engineers out in the cold.
As It's better to be late then never..!!
Hence there is an immediate requirement of such an administration of Technical Institutions which focuses more on quality education and helps in building sound engineers, which will ultimately help the nation..!!

I would love to conclude my post with a saying from the person i admire the most-
"Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education".

(Mahatma Gandhi)


Love to all..


Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Majestic Monsoon"

The shifting winds and the lovely drops of rain have ushered in India’s monsoon season, Monsoon brings in amazing colors of life with it. After hearing the word Monsoon Don't we feel fresh..??
After the grilling and cruel heats of summer the whole nation eagerly welcomes this heavenly shower of cold drops of life sustaining liquid with open hands. Monsoon fills the countrysides with verdure and gives back to the earth the richness, which was taken away by the grueling summer days.


This is such a climate which brings life into you. The monsoon in India starts from June to September of every year.
Monsoon is the season where you can enjoy and admire the nature to the fullest and relive all the happy moments of childhood.
The drops that falls from the sky makes you feel like heaven. You can feel the magic in the air which is cold enough to make you feel special, the earth carries its awesome essence which gets mixed up in the air, the sky keeps changing its color, when this happens you cant find anything as much beautiful as the sky appears.



You can also hear the song that rain sings with the winds, the rainbow that makes its shades on the skies and mountains looks very enchanting.
The rain droplets gives an image of a diamond though you can’t owe it, you can feel it. Plus the heavenly smell of earth which is just amazing. The best thing that kids and the young people enjoy in rain is that of playing football when it’s raining that too in mud, it brings a great joy which can not be expressed. The flying off of umbrellas in between the rains due to the fast wind blowing, this is a thing which can make you laugh even though you are alone.

The cutest are the school going kids with their raincoats jumping in the water to splash the water all around, once we too have experienced the same which we still cherish in our sweet memories(probably the best part of schooling). In monsoon you can actually feel the presence of the God on earth, through the nature.



The best part of the monsoon which i enjoy a lot is The Savoury Delights, as the rainy days are the ones when movement becomes restricted. It is at this point that food becomes the center of thought. With rains making market food unhealthy, the best option seems experimenting in kitchen.
Probaly the most liked food of monsoon are Samosas, Pakora (Paneer Pakora, Onion Pakora, Bread pakora..) , Dhokla, Kachories, Bread Rolls....Ahh mouth watering, isn't it..??


Monsoon is used best by our Bollywood, Almost all love stories in India have their beginning and making in Bollywood ‘Rainy’ songs.
Every other Bunty-Babli, Raj-Simran, Guddu-Sweety fall in love against the backdrop of trickling rains and the ambience created by a sensuous rain song. Lovers bathe in the visual and musical impact of Hindi songs, in which the drenched, sexy heroine romances a muscle-flexing hero - while raindrops trickle down their bodies.
Bollywood songs on the rainy season have assisted many-a-love-story.
But the recent love-story of the elusive and old-fashioned Mr Monsoon and the ‘bindaas’ Miss Rain is truly ‘chatpata’.
Here is an eyewitness’ account:


Ek ladki bheegi bhagi si….
It is the evergreen track from the film ‘Chalti Ka Naam Gadi (1958)’, starring Madhubala and Kishore Kumar, is hailed as a cult song. Madhubala looks ethereal in a drenched sari and Kishore Kumar is at his comic best.

Pyar hua ikraar hua hai…(My personel favourite)
This classic from ‘Shri 420’ (1955) is the first song that comes to our mind when we think of a rain number in Bollywood. Composed by Shankar Jaikishan, and sung by Lata Mangeshkar-Manna Dey jodi, it is picturised on the legendary onscreen couple – Raj Kapoor and Nargis.


Dum dum diga diga…
This popular Kalyanji-Anandji song from ‘Chhaliya’ (1960) has been rendered by Mukesh and picturised skillfully on Raj Kapoor.


Tip tip barsa paani….
This is a typical Bollywood rain song from ‘Mohra’ (1994) in which Raveena Tandon donning a diaphanous saree tries to seduce the impassive Akshay Kumar. Sung by Alka Yagnik, Udit Narayan and composed by Viju Shah, this song continues to top memory charts for its ‘latkas and jhatkas’.

Barso re megha megha…
Picturised on Aishwarya in the film ‘Guru’ (2007) the song by Shreya Ghoshal captures the euphoria rain creates.

So, this was how Mr Monsoon and Miss Rain fell madly in love. Their love is still growing strong, inspite of stiff opposition from the ‘polluted’ world and its people… but this doesn’t stop the duo from dancing and singing on popular rain songs of Bollywood at every given opportunity: Ghode jaisi chal (Dil to paagal hai)…Ghanan ghanan(Lagaan)…Saawan barse (Dahek) and so on…

Their message to all - Keep drizzling with love!


I will conclude with a poem-

oh! Megh, listen to me for directions
To my beloved; Take what you need
Through every pore; if your tired feet
Must rest, on mountaintops repose
With crystal waters to quench your thirst
Then do carry on your task....

Meghdoot (Kalidas)

*All the images are duly acknowledged to the original photographers or the persons who have uploaded them on the cyberspace by a link back to their sources. Readers are encouraged to visit the profiles and photo streams of these photographers on flickr for viewing more excellent photographs.



Love to all..
